and Fundraisers!

The Lake Vermilion Cultural Center is dedicated to community enrichment through education and the arts by offering quality programming and providing opportunities to showcase the rich cultural heritage of the area.  Your donation will enable us to continue offering events year-round!

Midsummer 2025 – A New Era

Mark your calendar and save the date! Midsummer 2025 presents “Songs of the Journey.” Join us on an adventure across the Atlantic as we present songs from the immigration to […]

Find out more
Lake Vermilion Cultural Center, 705 Main Street
Tower, MN 55790
+ Google Map

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for supporting all over our events the 2024 season!

Keep up with the latest from our blog at Lake Vermilion Cultural Center


Dear Friends of the Lake Vermilion Cultural Center

What a year this has been! Storms, floods, elections, parties, projects, fundraising events, gifts, grants, all with hopes and dreams beginning to be realized. Through the wonderful work of our Vice-Chair Sandy Wallin, State Senator Grant Hauschild and others, we...


Midsummer Welcomes Ryan Bajan as the New Director

Ryan Bajan has been a LVCC Board member for 10 years and has served as Treasurer for much of that time. He and his wife Linda, perform with the Sectionals octet featured in our newsletter. In addition, they have often sung with our Midsummer Singers and the Tower...


A Building Update

Over the past 3 months, the LVCC Building Committee has been working toward a goal of completing the major mechanical construction of our building. Because of the complexity and size of the structure, we have contracted with John Almeida of The Finished Look, Inc...


Final Midsummer for Long Time Director Janice Kimes

MN State Senator, Grant Hauschild keynoted this year’s Midsummer fundraiser for the Lake Vermilion CulturalCenter, at the Herbert R. Lamppa Civic Center on Saturday, June 15. Hauschild, with support from state Reps. Dave Lislegard and Roger Skraba, was instrumental...

Get Social With Us

We realize that not everyone has access to Facebook, so we have made it a little easier for you to follow along with us!  View our Facebook posts right here on our website without an account.  If you want to share or comment, you will need a Facebook user profile.

To our Friends of the Lake Vermilion Cultural Center

Dear Supporters of the LVCC,

What a year this has been! Storms, floods, elections, parties, projects, fundraising events, gifts, grants, all with hopes and dreams beginning to be realized. Through the wonderful work of our Vice-Chair Sandy Wallin, State Senator Grant Hauschild and others, we have received a generous grant from the state of Minnesota tax funds. This $100,000 will be added to the funds that we are hoping to raise with this year-end plea as well as the $30,000 matching grant which we received from the IRRR earlier this year. That grant covered materials but not labor so we are continuing to raise funds to pay for the labor needed to continue working on our project.

Elsewhere in our Fall-Winter 2025 newsletter you will see articles about all the ways we’ve raised funds this past year. We seem to become more creative as time goes by but the needs and costs also increase as we work to finish this project. The good news is that our donors and other community members have been more than enthusiastic and encouraging in our efforts. Our successful Midsummer and other fundraisers have introduced us to many new friends.

In addition, we have had at least a dozen programs in 2024 in St. Mary’s Hall with delightful receptions accompanying most of them.

What we REALLY need now is you! We can’t thank you enough for what you have contributed in the past and ask now that you reach as deep as your finances allow to send a check, click the blue DONATE button above or complete the green box in the upper right corner of this page.

With warm wishes and thanks,

Elaine McGillivray – Chair, and
Mary Batinich – President

About Us

Gifted to the LVCC by the Episcopal Church in Minnesota, we moved the grand old lady on November 1st, 2015, now known as St. Mary’s Hall (see video!), to her new home near the historic center of Tower near the harbor.

She is currently being restored and will be used for a wide variety of cultural and community activities.


Lake Vermilion Cultural Center
PO Box 659
Tower, MN 55790

Phone: 218-753-4100


Contact Form 2024

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