In recent months Steven and Denise Adams, Mark and Kent Adams, and Barbara Forster donated $50,000 to the LVCC for a reading room/library in memory of Bernice Lenont Adams Tinker. In addition to the monetary gift, a valuable baby grand piano was gifted and it will eventually be on the stage at the Lake Vermilion Cultural Center in Tower.
The piano was gifted by Jean Cole, who with her late husband Tom Rukavina, has been a loyal supporter of the LVCC. The Pono belonged to the Lenont Family and was given to Jean by Mary Joy Lenont, granddaughter of Dr. Lenont. The 100-plus year old numbered and registered piano is currently on display at the Vermilion Park Inn until the cultural center is ready to receive it.
The Adams/Lenont Family has a long history on the Iron Range. Bernice “Niecy” Lenont (born 1910) also know as “Niecy Tinker” or Niece Adams” was one of five daughters of Dr. Charles Burton Lenont and Estelle Shaw. The daughters were infamously know as the “Lenont Sisters” on the Iron Range, and were very close. Dr. Charles Burnton Lenont was a Minnesota physician on the Iron Range and throughout northern Minnesota, predominately based in Virginia.
Bernice was married on July 31, 1931 to renowned WCCO Radio broadcaster, Cedric Adams. The wedding took place int he music room of the Lenont House in Virginia, located on the corner of 5th Avenue and 1st Street North. The LVCC is very grateful for these generous gifts.