Reverend Stephen Schaitberger Presents Talk on Enmegahbowh

May 6, 2024 | Events | 0 comments

Author Stephen Schaitberger will be speaking about his book “Stands Before His People, Enmegahbowh and the Ojibwe” at the Midsummer Festival in Tower on June 15.

Almost fifteen years ago, the Reverend Stephen Schaitberger worked for the Episcopal Diocese of Minnesota. His passion was serving the small churches, which brought him to deal with the Episco­pal church in Tower. After the congregation voted to
close the historic church, Steve and a few leaders in the community sought approval of the Diocese of Minnesota to give the church property and building to a group of people interested in preserving the architectural jewel to be used as a cultural center.

Fr. Steve’s interest in the Ojibwe began at church camp on the Leech Lake Reservation, when he was in the ninth grade. Stories about Enmegahbowh were campfire inspirations that formed his ministry. Fr. Steve has been invited to serve the 13 Episcopal congrega­tions twice as their interim canon missioner. He is also a retired chaplain holding the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (R) in the U.S. Army. Enmegahbowh was the first person of Ojibwe heritage to be ordained in the Episcopal Church. His dates are approximately 1810 to 1902. He served in this area for several years after he married a woman from the Fond du Lac Band of Ojibwe. In 1852 he set­tled in the Brainerd area and founded Saint Columbia Mission which was moved to White Earth Reservation in 1868 and is still an active congregation.

As fortune would have it, Fr. Steve served as priest for the Episcopal Church in Brainerd for 18 years. (Enmegahbowh served that area for about 16 years.) Thus began a 40-year research quest for anything concerning Enmegahbowh. Finally, with the help of his
friend Vern Pickering, this book was published. Its focus is not religion but rather it is a historic biography of an Ojibwe priest who left an extensive written record of his min­istry in Minnesota. It is not history from the dominant society’s perspective.

Fr. Steve will give a talk about Enmegahbowh at 3 PM, June 15 at St. Mary’s Hall in the Lake Vermilion Cultural Center. His book will be on sale and all proceeds will be used for Native American Ministry.

Above Photo: Reverend Stephen Schaitberger stands in front of a portrait of Native American Episcopal priest Enmagahbowh. Steve co-authored a fascinating book on a remarkable man and will be visiting Tower in June 2024. Steve is largely responsible for attaining
St. Mary’s church to become the LVCC (Lake Vermilion Cultural Center).


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